Caribbean Festival: 12 Countries Confirm Attendance

On Sunday, the organizers of the Caribbean Festival announced that with the confirmation of 12 nations and more than 300 participants a month away from the start of its activities, the 43rd edition of the Caribbean Festival will be a success.
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The Brazilian state of Bahia, as guest of honor, will bring more than 100 participants to the regional event known as the «Fiesta del Fuego»; Mexico and the Dominican Republic are preparing large delegations and a revived national participation in the event, which will take place from 3 to 9 July.
On their official website they made public the organization of 13 theoretical events parallel to the artistic presentations.
Among such presentations there are: the international colloquium «The Caribbean that unites us» which aims to promote scientific exchange between social managers, academics, cultural promoters, social activists and public officials.
Los preparativos del Festival del Caribe continúan en esta ciudad, a fin de acoger del 3 al 9 de julio a más de 200 amigos .A las tradiciones culturales del hermano estado brasileño de Bahía se dedica este 2024 la Fiesta del Fuego.#ComercioDelPueblo#SantiagoDeCuba
— Mallelyn Pelaez (@pmallelyn)
May 31, 2024
Los preparativos del Festival del Caribe continúan en esta ciudad, a fin de acoger del 3 al 9 de julio a más de 200 amigos .A las tradiciones culturales del hermano estado brasileño de Bahía se dedica este 2024 la Fiesta del Fuego.#ComercioDelPueblo#SantiagoDeCuba
— Mallelyn Pelaez (@pmallelyn)
May 31, 2024
The text reads,
Preparations for the Caribbean Festival continue in this city, in order to host more than 200 friends from July 3 to 9. The Fire Festival is dedicated to the cultural traditions of the brother Brazilian state of Bahia in 2024.#ComercioDelPueblo#SantiagoDeCuba
Other highlights include the 3rd Caribbean Film Festival, the international workshops «The Music of the Caribbean» and «Directions of Caribbean Theatre», as well as the meeting of poets from the Caribbean and the world «Jesús Cos Causse»; the Festival of Fire is organised by the Casa del Caribe with the support of the Cuban Ministry of Culture and the Provincial Directorate of Culture of Santiago de Cuba.
For the fifth time the Festival of the Caribbean will be sponsored by the company Cuba Ron S.A. and the brand Ron Santiago, both as seals of national and local identity in a festival that bets on the transcendence of the community values and the groups that are bearers of the vast Cuban and Caribbean culture.