Venezuelan People Lead National March in Support of President Maduro

According to the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV), the route began at the headquarters of the National Telephone Company of Venezuela (CANTV), on Libertador Avenue. The avenue Andrés Bello, the elevated La Candelaria, the avenue Urdaneta and Puente Llaguno are other points of the route that will culminate in the Palace of Miraflores.
In this regard, the head of government of the Capital District, Nahum Fernández, assured that this mobilization will support the newly elected Venezuelan president, while rejecting fascism throughout the country.
“We have organized at least 100 cities and we will be with the 100 national marches where the states, through the capitals, the second municipalities, the electoral corridor and all that force that has the revolution, will manifest in joy”, indicates the call.
“Women of Lara State in Support of Re-elected President Nicolás Maduro @NicolasMaduro and calling for Peace in the country #prelemi #sergetti #luzzers“
In his program “Con el mazo dando”, the first vice president of the PSUV, Diosdado Cabello, spread the call to the revolutionary and Chavista people. He assured that this Saturday the Venezuelans would go out to the streets to continue celebrating the victory of the Bolivarian Revolution.
He also explained that the call responds to predictions of fascist factors that ensured a suspension of the guarantees of the government in the face of the protest organized by the extreme right for this August 17.