Venezuela: President Maduro Leads the Voting Intention

On Monday, the consulting firm IdeaDatos published a survey showing that Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro continues to lead in voting intentions ahead of the July 28 elections.
Peace to Prevail in Venezuela After Elections: President Maduro
Respondents show a clear preference for the Bolivarian leader with 52.1 percent, a figure that doubles the opposition candidate with the highest preference within the survey.
The rest of the electoral preferences are distributed as follows: Edmundo Gonzalez with 21.6 percent; Benjamin Rausseo with 6.1 percent; Claudio Fermin with 3.2 percent; Daniel Ceballos with 2.9 percent; Javier Bertucci with 1.9 percent; Antonio Ecarri with 1.6 percent; Jose Brito with 0.8 percent; Luis Martinez with 0.5 percent; and Enrique Marquez with 0.4 percent.
However, up to this point, 8.9 percent of respondents do not know who they will vote for or did not respond.
Increíble movilización realizó el pueblo aguerrido de la parroquia 23 de Enero, municipio Libertador, en Caracas. Me emociona ver la fuerza, alegría y compromiso en defensa de la Patria Grande. Ninguna sanción, ni bloqueo imperial detendrá nuestro futuro. ¡Sigamos unidos y…
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
May 28, 2024
President Nicolas Maduro’s text reads, “Incredible mobilization carried out by the brave people of the 23 de Enero parish, Libertador municipality, Caracas. I am excited to see the strength, joy, and commitment in defense of the Great Homeland. No sanctions or imperial blockade will stop our future. Let’s remain united and persevere! My hug! Let’s move forward!”
Regarding political self-identification, the data shows that respondents prefer Chavismo or pro-Chavista independents with 47.2 percent; followed by the opposition with 15.6 percent; pro-opposition independents with 4.8 percent; while 17.8 percent stated they do not know or did not respond.
When asked about their willingness to vote, 65.5 percent affirmed they would go to vote, 15.7 percent said they might, 13.6 percent did not know or did not respond, while only 5.2 percent said they would not participate.
The IdeaDatos survey is based on a sample of 1,930 interviews conducted in Venezuelan territory from May 20 to 24.
Two nations, two revolutions, two countries that were born to be brothers. Is how the President @NicolasMaduro defined relations between Venezuela and Iran in front of his Iranian counterpart, #EbrahimRaisi, during the Persian president’s visit to Venezuela
— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish)
May 21, 2024