Venezuela Denounces Attemps to Desestabilize the Elections of 28J from the Argentina Embassy

“Magaly Meda and Humberto Villalobos, is a plan to bet motorized megacenters voting, they will generate disorder in their election centers and they will also try to generate vandalism and criminal acts against people who will exercise their right”

The general coordinator of the Venezuela Nuestra Campaign Command, Jorge Rodríguez, at a press conference, denounced that from the Embassy of the Argentine Republic in the country, plans are being made to destabilize the upcoming elections on July 28.

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“They are preparing a structure for violence, for sabotage, they are already trying and they are committing truly criminal acts such as the Angostura Bridge, the barbarities that were committed in 2019, not enough, they need the people suffering to try to sneak into their criminal plans, because the plan they have is a group of motorized, so I make the complaint publicly and we will make it known to our international observers,” he said.

In turn, he added that from the Argentine embassy in Venezuela, “Magaly Meda and Humberto Villalobos, is a plan to bet motorized megacenters voting, they will generate disorder in their election centers and they will also try to generate vandalism and criminal acts against people who will exercise their right”.

He stressed that “this tradition of peace has been stained in recent times by the fact that extremist sectors of the Venezuelan right have permanently chanted fraud in various electoral events. The only choices they recognize are those in which they win,” he said.

Denuncio públicamente el plan violento que tiene la extrema derecha para el 28J. Desde la Embajada de Argentina en Venezuela, la señora Magalli Meda y Humberto Villalobos orquestan hechos violentos con motorizados en los centros de votación donde vota la derecha.

— Jorge Rodríguez (@jorgerpsuv) June 27, 2024

Rodriguez also indicated that the Venezuelan right wing “sings fraud before the elections, who comes up with it? , even this dismiss their voters, but this only occurs to them, and they do it because they know what is going to happen next July 28, you know, they discuss it in their internal circles”. He added that this group has a plan “that is far from electoral”.

He reported that they are currently “building the most powerful electoral machinery for our immense victory on July 28 and to defend the vote of Venezuelans, as well as defending the results of this 2024. But these people (right), sang fraud from before, they plan to boycott the elections because they already know they are lost”.

“We will defend the electoral victory with the people in the street, we don’t care what the international media says. They can be hoarse. International observation has to re-evaluate the guayas, burn people living near the voting centers, generate violence, the Defense Minister is already warned,” he said.