Tourism to Venezuela Grew by 220 Percent

On Tuesday, Tourism Minister Ali Padron announced that the number of international visits to Venezuela increased by 220 percent in the first four months of 2024 compared to 2023.
Poll Shows the Great Support of the Venezuelan People to Nicolás Maduro
This growth is the result of greater air and land connectivity with neighboring countries such as Colombia and Brazil, as well as the arrival of visitors from Europe, Russia, and Poland.
Venezuela received about 1.6 million foreign tourists, surpassing pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. Padron also highlighted a 20 percent increase in domestic tourism, a percentage that demonstrates the revitalization of the industry within Venezuela.
The Bolivarian minister emphasized that the signing of the agreement for direct flights between China and Venezuela will further boost his country’s industry in the coming years.
Firmé dos leyes importantes de carácter internacional, aprobadas por la Asamblea Nacional: La Ley de Acuerdo Relativo a la Promoción y Protección Recíproca de Inversiones Türkiye – Venezuela y la Ley del Acuerdo Sobre Servicios Aéreos China – Venezuela. ¡Firmados, refrendados y…
— Nicolás Maduro (@NicolasMaduro)
May 14, 2024
President Nicolas Maduro’s text reads, «I signed two important laws on international issues approved by the National Assembly: the Türkiye-Venezuela Agreement on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments and the China-Venezuela Agreement on Air Services. Signed, countersigned and published! It is the construction of the new world.»
New economic prospects in the tourism sector will also open with the signing of similar agreements between Venezuela and other Latin American and European countries.
The Venezuelan tourism industry has important natural assets thanks to the availability of a variety of ecosystems and landscapes unique in the world.
For example, in the Caribbean Sea, off the coast of Venezuela, is the Los Roques Archipelago, which is known by international tour operators for its impressive landscapes of crystal clear water and white sand.
«This place has been a national park since 1972. It has an impressive biodiversity, 221,120 hectares made up of crystal clear waters, and over 300 cays, islets and sandbanks,» Estampas Magazine recalled.
Currently, the Tourism Ministry is also promoting the establishment of Tourism Development Zones (ZDT) as part of a long-term strategy for the sustainability of this industry.
#Venezuela | President Nicolas Maduro (@NicolasMaduro) points out that the international community must know the truth about the South American country and not be fooled about it
— teleSUR English (@telesurenglish)
May 19, 2024