Three Deaths Reported by Heat Wave in Nuevo León, Mexico

Health authorities of the Mexican state of Nuevo León (northeast) reported on Wednesday that three people have died from the heat wave that affects the entity.
Heat Wave Will Affect 32 Mexican States
The state health secretary, Alma Rosa Marroquín, told local media that, after two heat waves that have affected Nuevo León, 85 cases of heat shock have also been recorded, as well as 56 for sunburn and dozens that have presented dehydration.
«Unfortunately we have already added three deaths and good because we are working in coordination with the different units with Civil Protection, with Environment, with the DIF, with all health institutions to have hydration points, with the Ministry of Health Mobility, Also, to be able to supply water and electrolytes where people wait for their transportation,» he said.
The new heat wave started this week and has caused temperatures above 45 degrees Celsius. Meanwhile, for the afternoon of this day, the National Meteorological Service (SMN) reported temperatures ranging from 31 to almost 33 degrees Celsius.
��️ Esta tarde, se presentó una #Temperatura máxima de 32.8 grados #Celsius, rompiendo el récord para un día como hoy, pero de 1983 en el Observatorio de Tacubaya.
— CONAGUA Clima (@conagua_clima)
May 22, 2024
��️ Esta tarde, se presentó una #Temperatura máxima de 32.8 grados #Celsius, rompiendo el récord para un día como hoy, pero de 1983 en el Observatorio de Tacubaya.
— CONAGUA Clima (@conagua_clima)
May 22, 2024
The text reads,
This afternoon, a maximum #Temperatura of 32.8 degrees #Celsius occurred, breaking the record for a day like today, but from 1983 at the Tacubaya Observatory.
So far it is unknown if the deceased had any comorbidities, but the official said that the three people were young men.
As precautions against this phenomenon, Marroquín recommended «paying special attention to the population of older adults and minors. Stay hydrated and avoid sugary drinks such as juices and soft drinks».
The current heatstroke in Mexico comes after a few days of finishing the second heat wave, which began on May 3 and lasted ten days.
The last wave claimed the lives of at least 14 people and reached record temperatures in territories such as Mexico City (capital), which registered a historic 34.3 degrees on May 9.