The Netherlands To Apply a Strict Policy to Contain Migration: PM Schoof
For the right-wing ruling coalition, even the migration of students threatens “social cohesion” in this European country
On Wednesday, Dutch Prime Minister Dick Schoof indicated that the greatest concern of his compatriots is asylum and migration because they put pressure on social cohesion.
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In his first speech as head of the government, Schoof asserted that this concern is real and must be taken very seriously because the numbers for asylum and migration are high.
“Many people believe that asylum, labor migration, and student migration, year after year, put too much pressure on our country. Not only on the availability and affordability of our services but also on social cohesion and community unity in neighborhoods, towns, and cities,” Schoof said, who is the prime minister by consensus of four parties in the coalition led by Geert Wilders’ radical right.
The new prime minister promised to “restore society’s trust” in politics as “the most important task” of the legislature and dedicated a few words of thanks to Wilders “as the convincing winner of the elections” and for having “done everything possible” to form a government.
“On the international stage, the Netherlands remains and will continue to be a reliable partner within the European Union and NATO. With the deep awareness that these two organizations are the cornerstone of our security and prosperity… The Dutch government will comply with all international treaties to which we are signatories. As it should be,” said Schoof, who is part of a government pact that will propose a “exclusion clause” in community migration policies to the European Commission.
“Today I can’t guarantee 100 percent that we will get everything in Brussels, but I do give you a 100 percent promise that we will fight for Dutch interests. I promise that we will find and use the space that exists,” he stressed, assuring that the government pact “contains the necessary ingredients” to “do something good” for the country.
This pact “opts for a very strict asylum and migration policy that adjusts to what our country can handle and what our economy needs,” Schoof vowed.
In the November elections, the Dutch “gave a clear mandate to national politics through the ballot box,” Schoof said, explaining that society wants their concerns to be heard and something to be done about asylum and migration, the housing shortage, and inflation.