Progressives in Brazil Reject Bill That Equates Abortion With Homicide

They claim that through a maneuver, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Arthur Lira, approved the urgent discussion of the Child Pregnancy Bill and did not submit it to a thorough review.

Representatives of the progressive sector in Brazil denounced the approval on Wednesday by the Chamber of Deputies of the urgent processing of the bill that equates abortion with homicide.

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“Lira just struck a blow at women’s rights. She approved an urgent request without even announcing the vote. The request allows to vote on the project that forces girls and women suffering sexual violence to have a child with a rapist», declared through his account in X the popular lawyer and federal deputy (PT-RN), Natália Bonavides, referring to how the head of the Chamber, Arthur Lira scheduled the vote without notice and without giving details of what would be discussed.

Meanwhile, the deputy Sâmia Bomfim (Psol-SP) said that «through a maneuver, Lira approved the urgency of the Child Pregnancy Bill, so the project can go to vote at any time in plenary».

Several media outlets echoed the complaint made by deputies that Lira (PP-AL) scheduled the vote in a veiled manner, which dealt a blow to women’s rights.

GOLPISTA! Lira acaba de dar um golpe contra o direito das mulheres. Aprovou um requerimento de urgência sem sequer anunciar a votação. O requerimento permite que seja votado o projeto que obriga meninas e mulheres que sofrerem violência sexual a terem filho de estuprador!

— Natália Bonavides (@natbonavides) June 12, 2024

The text reads,
SCAMMER! Lira has just struck a blow against women’s rights. He approved an urgent request without even announcing the vote. The request allows the project to be voted on that forces girls and women who suffer sexual violence to have a child with a rapist!

The proposal tabled by Mr Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ) seeks to amend the Criminal Code. To this end, it equates abortion performed after 22 weeks of gestation with the crime of homicide, with a maximum penalty of 20 years for both pregnant persons and health professionals who help them.

The text also prohibits abortion even in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, if there is fetal viability.  It was approved by 31 other deputies, almost all members of the Liberal Party, to which former right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro belongs (2019-2022).