Explosives Attack Investigated in Ecuador

The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Ecuador, opened on Tuesday an official investigation into the bombings against different government institutions in Duran, part of the coastal city of Guayas, one of the most affected by violence in the country.
Seven People Murdered in a Coastal Province of Ecuador
The Municipality of Durán reported that, due to the attacks, one vehicle exploded, while «another was about to explode in the vicinity of the Municipality». He also reported that an armed attack was reported at the offices of the Duran Transit Authority (ATD). ATD Deputy General Manager Luis Samaniego reported an attack in which his life and that of all ATD officials were in danger.
«As a man of faith, I know God protected us. Thanks to the swift and courageous action of the National Police, there were no lives to mourn over material damage to our facilities. We trust that justice will do its job and this attack will not go unpunished,» Samaniego said.
Durán is located in the metropolitan area of the city of Guayaquil and is considered by the Ecuadorian authorities as a territory disputed by criminal gangs where properties used as cocaine stores are frequently found.
#24Horas | Dos nuevos atentados y en pleno estado de excepción encienden las alertas en Durán. Disparos contra el edificio de la Agencia de Tránsito y un coche bomba en los alrededores del cabildo, motivaron al Alcalde a suspender la jornada presencial.
Vía: @Astrid_Singre pic.twitter.com/SQAfhiq75O
— Teleamazonas Noticias (@Teleamazonas24H)
May 28, 2024
This narcotics trafficking, allows violence to flourish proportionally, example of this was This Tuesday, where a new attack in the area near the Municipality of Durán, against two brothers, claimed the life of one of them while the other was injured, and whose father is a city worker.
It should also be noted that at least two municipal officials from Duran were murdered last year, while former mayor Mariana Mendieta was kidnapped for several days, and the mayor, Luis Chonillo, survived an attack in his early days in office where two people were killed.