Dina Boluarte: Almost 100% of Peruvians Disapprove Her Rule

According to a survey by the Institute of Peruvian Studies (IEP) commissioned by the national newspaper La República, the rate of disapproval of the management of Dina Boluarte as president-designate of Peru is close to the entire sample.
Peruvian President Dina Boluarte With 86% of Rejection
The study shows that approximately 90 percent of Peruvians “disapprove of their way of governing the country”. This data, translated into more understandable statistical elements means that “9 out of 10 citizens” is against the presidency of Boluarte.
Among other data, the survey points out that “72 percent of the countrymen consider that the economic situation of the country is worse than twelve months ago, when this government was approaching its half-year”.
Solo un 5% aprueba la gestión de la presidenta, su puntuación más baja desde que asumió la presidencia. Hay un descenso estadísticamente significativo de su aprobación en la macrozona de Lima Metropolitana, entre enero y mayo de 2024. pic.twitter.com/bsmfPkJwNu
— IEP (@IEPeruanos)
May 26, 2024
Meanwhile, 24 percent of Peruvians, the information points out, believe that Peruvians are the same as then. This, compared to only three percent who consider that in economic matters present a better picture than last year.
In the case of the personal aspect, 36 percent say that in the next 12 months their financial outlook will be “worse”, compared to 22 percent who expect improvement in that regard.
“Some 56 percent of citizens consider their current economic situation to be worse than a year ago and 35 percent perceive it as the same,” the survey said, stating that only 7 percent believe that their economy was surpassed in that period.
Analyzing the parameter referred to corruption, half of the respondents said that the Boluarte government “will end up being more corrupt than the predecessors”.
The aspects that explain this decline, according to La República, lean towards two fundamental aspects. The first is that 50 percent of respondents believe that Boluarte’s presidency will be more corrupt than previous ones.