Death Toll Rises to 13 After Hurricane Beryl Hit Houston, Texas
A balance of 13 deaths has caused Hurricane Beryl, now in tropical storm condition, passing through the region of Houston, Texas (southwest of the United States), as reported by the latest balance of the newspaper “The Houston Chronicle.”
1.6 Million Houses Remain Impacted by Power Outages After Beryl’s Impact on Texas
Although the media has collected the information known so far, the official number of victims can take several weeks. The Harris County Institute of Forensic Science is charged with publishing the precise data.
Incidentally, Office of Emergency Management spokesman Brent Taylor explained that the center maintains a continuous count of possible deaths related to the storm. He also stressed that “people want information faster than the process lasts.”
CenterPoint, utility company based in Houston that provides electricity and natural gas services reported 602,405 customers without power, while the company’s restoration map showed estimated repair times as late as Monday for some areas northeast of the inner loop, but large swaths of the city were still marked as having a “restoration date pending review.”
After losing strength away from the waters of the Gulf of Mexico, Beryl returned to tropical storm status last Monday. However, at 04h00 (local time) that day, it strengthened again as a Category 1 hurricane when it made landfall in Metagorda, Texas.