Cuban Actress Corina Mestre Dies at 69 in Havana

The Minister of Culture of Cuba, Alpidio Alonso Grau, reported through his account in X that the great Cuban radio, television, radio and pedagogue Corina Mestre died this Saturday in Havana, at the age of 69.
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The National Council of Performing Arts (CNAE) reported through a statement that this artist was a «a woman of strong revolutionary conviction, [who] received in her home the best example of dignity and fortitude, which helped to forge an imposing character within the spectrum of Cuban culture»
Mestre was born in Havana on October 12, 1954. From a very young age she liked to recite, act; already at the age of 5 she said poetry of José Martí. Then he went into other poets: Neruda, Vallejo and other Cubans.
Me duele profundamente la muerte de mi fiel amiga, colaboradora, MAESTRA Y PATRIOTA. Abrazo a su esposo e hijo y al pueblo de #Cuba, que ha perdido a una de sus defensoras más apasionadas.
— Miguel Díaz-Canel Bermúdez (@DiazCanelB)
June 1, 2024
For his part, the president of the Union of Writers and Artists of Cuba (Uneac), Luis Morlote, said that «Cuba deposes one of its beloved artists», while calling «immense and inconsolable pain» «the physical departure of «our Corina Mestre.»
The House of the Americas also lamented the death of the «beloved artist of the Cuban scene. For his work and his ethical coherence he won the admiration of the people. He gave himself to the formation of the new generations.»
Corina Mestre es ejemplo integro de artista, defensora de la Patria y su cultura y de ser humano. La imprescindible actriz y pedagoga, referente de generaciones falleció este sábado. Su legado nos acompañara siempre en la #UNEAC, organización de la que era vicepresidenta.
— UNEAC (@UNEAC_online)
June 1, 2024
«Corina Mestre is a complete example of an artist, defender of the Homeland and its culture and of a human being. The essential actress and pedagogue, a reference for generations, died this Saturday. Her legacy will always accompany us in #UNEAC , an organization of which she was vice president.»
In 1981 Corina began working at the Grupo Teatro Estudio, directed by Raquel Revuelta. With this company he participated in more than 70 works, gaining great popularity in the Cuban public with performances in «Bodas de sangre», «Macbeth», «La zapatera prodigiosa», and «La Casa de Bernarda Alba.»
In TV she acted in the «Pasión y prejuicio», «El eco de las piedras», «Salir de noche» y «Doble juego» soap operas. For her talent and long artistic career received the awards: (2016) National Prize for Artistic Teaching for the merits achieved in teaching, (2017) Premio Maestro de Juventude, (2021) Medalla Alejo Carpentier, (2022) Premio Nacional de Teatro.