Cuba Makes Changes of Ministers

On Thursday, the government of the Republic of Cuba appointed Oscar Pérez-Oliva Fraga as the new Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment (Mincex).
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For his part, his predecessor Ricardo Cabrisas, was released from his responsibilities and will serve as Deputy Prime Minister of the Government.
Oscar Pérez-Oliva, 53, is an electronic engineer. He has extensive management experience accumulated for more than 15 years in foreign trade as director of Enterprise, deputy minister in this body and director of Business Evaluation in the Mariel Special Development Zone.
Likewise, the appointment of Carlos Ruiz Jorge Méndez as Mincex’s first deputy minister was approved, a note released on national television reported.
��El Gobierno cubano����a petición del Consejo de Estado, liberó a Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz de sus responsabilidades como ministro del @MINCEX_CUBA.
May 23, 2024
��El Gobierno cubano����a petición del Consejo de Estado, liberó a Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz de sus responsabilidades como ministro del @MINCEX_CUBA.
May 23, 2024
The text reads,
The Cuban Government at the request of the Council of State, released Ricardo Cabrisas Ruiz from his responsibilities as minister of
Carlos Ruiz Jorge Méndez, 36, has a degree in Economics and has gone through different responsibilities in foreign trade activity, from Specialist, Adviser to the Minister, Director General of Foreign Investment and current Deputy Minister of this body.