Central Obrera Boliviana Condemns Coup Attempt
In response to the attempted coup d’état, the COB urged the military groups that intend to carry out this crime to stop it, as it is a “terrorist and seditious act before national democracy”.
The Central Obrera Boliviana (COB) condemned on Wednesday the attempted coup against the government of President Luis Arce.
Bolivian Government Denounces Attempted Coup D’éTat
“We state that we strongly reject and vehemently reject the unconstitutional, seditious and anti-democratic action of the Armed Forces of the Army, which at the moment are taking democracy and our constitutional government by assault,” the COB said.
In response to the attempted coup d’état, the COB urged the military groups that intend to carry out this crime to stop it, as it is a “terrorist and seditious act before national democracy”.
“As history demands, we call on all the social and trade union organizations of the country, all the workers of Bolivia, all the people in general to rise up against these groups of coup plotters and violators of human, political and democratic rights”, the organization said.
The text reads,
The Bolivian Workers’ Central: we declare the indefinite general strike starting today, the transfer of all social and union organizations to the city of La Paz to defend and restore the constitutional order and our legally established Government in Bolivia
The organization also called for the transfer of all social and trade union organizations to the city of La Paz, the seat of the Bolivian Government, in order to defend and demand the restoration of the constitutional order.
“As the only parent organization of the country in the face of this fateful event, perpetrated against our Plurinational State of Bolivia, we declare an indefinite general strike as of today,” the entity said in a statement, read in a press conference.
At the conclusion of the reading of the official declaration of the COB, its executive secretary Juan Carlos Huarachi, ratified that the COB repudiates the unconstitutional acts that occur before the headquarters of the Government and asked that the political condition of the State and the democratic vote of the sovereign people be respected.
“If we ignore this statement and this manifesto of social organizations, we are to take action. Those actions in which we call on our grassroots social organizations, confederations, departmental, regional labor centers, and grassroots unions to move urgently and immediately to the seat of government to recover Plaza Murillo, to recover the constitutional order, to recover our democracy,” he urged.
Huarachi assured that the COB will not allow these coup attempts against the State and the vote of the Bolivian people.