Bolivian President Rejects Self-Coup Narrative Make by Fascist elements

He asks former president Evo Morales not to join those who deny the coup d’état, a matrix that serves disunity and imperialist interference.

The President of Bolivia, Luis Arce, stressed on Sunday that what happened in that country on June 26 was a failed coup d’état and asked the former president Evo Morales not to replicate the narrative of fascism, which not only denies it but insists on it was a self-styled planned by the government.

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Through the social network X, the head of state posted: «Evo Morales, don’t be mistaken once again! Clearly what happened on June 26 was a #GolpeMilitarFallido in #Bolivia. Do not take the side of fascism that denies what happened!».

He affirmed that «those responsible who sought to take power by arms, are being prosecuted and will be tried, as was the case of the coup leaders of 2019», he said in relation to the November coup that year, when military and police commanders forced Morales to resign under a false matrix of electoral fraud mounted by the local oligarchy in complicity with the U.S. and the Organization of American States (OAS), some of whose perpetrators were arrested and prosecuted.

On the morning of this day, during statements given to a local radio station, Evo Morales, who had vehemently condemned the failed coup, admitted that he is confused about the violence. Despite this, he blamed Arce for having committed a coup.

Evo Morales, ¡no te equivoques una vez más! Claramente lo que ocurrió el 26 de junio fue un #GolpeMilitarFallido en #Bolivia. ¡No te pongas del lado del fascismo que niega lo ocurrido! Los responsables que buscaron tomar el poder por las armas, están siendo procesados y serán…

— Luis Alberto Arce Catacora (Lucho Arce) (@LuchoXBolivia) June 30, 2024

The text reads,
Evo Morales, make no mistake again! Clearly what happened on June 26 was a Failed Military Coup in Bolivia. ¡ Do not side with fascism that denies what happened! Those responsible who sought to take power by force of arms are being prosecuted and will be tried, as was the case with the conspirators of the 2019 coup

He expressed that «initially until Wednesday (26) at night, even on the morning of Thursday (27), I thought it was coup (of State), but now I am confused, it seems a self-coup».

In that space he commented that he suspects that it was an action planned by the head of state. Through his networks, he pointed out that «Arce cheated and lied to the Bolivian people and the world».

Following her criteria, the Minister of the Presidency, María Nela Prada, offered statements to the media and said that Evo Morales ended up joining the story of the coup general Juan José Zúñiga and the fascist right to deny the gorilla.

Make no mistake about history and the people by joining today in the speech and statements of a coup-maker and the fascist right-wing that once again, as it pointed out at the time there was fraud (and not coup in 2019), aims to distort history. Do not become a puppet, a puppet and an instrument of imperialism that seeks to plunder our country”. Prada added that political opposition is also part of that narrative.

Subrayó que a diferencia del golpe de Estado de 2019, el 26 de junio Bolivia hizo frente a un desplazamiento de militares armados que trataron de tomar el poder de manera planificada, incluso con participación de grupos de élite.

Aunque las investigaciones sobre el golpe de Estado fallido comenzaron pocos días atrás, han sido detenidos 21 militares y civiles implicados y estos han revelado que su organización comenzó en mayo pasado. Uno de los oficiales de alta graduación implicados, el excomandante de la Fuerza Aérea, general Marcelo Zegarra, declaró mediante declaración fiscal que Zúñiga aseguró que contaba con el apoyo de la “Embajada Americana, Embajada de Libia y de la Comunidad Europea”.

The differences of opinion between Arce and Morales date back months. In an interview offered after the coup neutralized thanks to the firmness of the people and its government, Arce said: We believe that the political instrument, the MAS (Movement to Socialism), belongs to the social organizations; they are the owners, the ones who created the instrument. Therefore, they are the ones who have to decide who are their candidates for deputies, senators, mayors president, vice president. Instead, comrade Evo wants to be the owner of the political instrument. That’s where we divide».

He added: «They fear that we will be reinstated and that is why we have an economic boycott in the Legislative Assembly, which everyone knows (…) Economic laws, of credits that the Assembly has to approve. There is absolutely nothing going on, there is a clear boycott of the opposition and when I speak of opposition I also mean the evista wing».